Scott and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary last week. Here are some highlight and lowlights of the last 9 years.
In no specific order,
1-Tornado on wedding day
2-Gelato on the Spanish Steps
3-Cinque Terre hike in the rain
4-Jumping off the rock at Phelps Lake
5-All of our many, many fights
6-Late night conversations about everything
7-Official engagement at Fresco's or Lindsey's first experience with GOOD Italian food
8-Jumping in the fountain
9-Getting in trouble at work together (i.e. playing MASH)
10-Starting a two person book club at First Security
11-Flyfishing together
12-The magical
Cotswolds13-Getting lost in Bath...7 times
14-Purchasing our first home
15-Finally leaving our nasty apartment on S street
16-Lindsey dressed up as Velma (it was Halloween), proposing to Scott...
accidentally17-Picking up Oliver for the first time
18-Everything to do with Jackson Hole
19-Growing oldish together
20-The "fight" that lead to "I Love You" and the infamous proposal
21-Lindsey forcing Scott to dress up for Halloween
22-Adventure's in the Catacombs (or really, lack there of)
23-Scott mailing Lindsey postcards during are "hang out phase," but forgetting to address them
24-Whale watching in Victoria
25-Customs in Canada
26-Our first kind of date (Thanks First Security for tarring that roof)
27-Lindsey making it through the first 30 seconds of It
28-The view of Siena from the Clock Tower
29-Scott being dragged everywhere by Lindsey
30-Ciabatta bread, Aranchiata's and Brie
31-Being there for the bombings in London
32-Stonehenge and Summer Solstice
33-Scott and the pigeons in Venice
34-Take out
35-Lindsey's first and last disastrous bike ride
36-State Fairs, Farmer's Markets and Tinfoil dinners up the canyon
37-Reading, reading, reading
38-Scott laughing hysterically at his own jokes
39-28 hour Disneyland trip
40-Oliver knocking Scott down the stairs
41-The day Lindsey was attacked by a mattress-Mattress 1, Lindsey 0
42-Climbing the Tor
43-Remodeling together
44-Taking Oliver on walks
45-4 degrees (Photography, Communications, English, Masters of English)
46-Working so hard to do the jobs we love
47-Being poor
48-Paying off debt, still
49-Lindsey trying to get Scott to dance
4-Finally seeing a positive on the pregnancy test
Here's to many, many more years of love, fights, stories, private jokes, good food, life, and happiness.