Wednesday, October 29, 2008

{Somebody is Watching}

and his name is Oliver. Everywhere I go, he wants to be too. In the car, when I sleep, when I'm cooking. His is my little shadow. He won't even eat unless I put his food in the same room as me.
Is it love or is he a puppy stalker?
Question: Why is that puppies have the saddest eyes ever? Oliver makes me feel like I'm sucking the very joy out of his existence every time I put him in the yard. I wish we could talk so I could explain how boring it was for him when he was stuck in the house for a week.


rYLeE & KaTiE said...

I totally know what you mean about the sad puppy eyes. We saw some SUPER cute little puppies the other night, and despite Rylee's HUGE allergic reactions to dogs, I totally thought I HAD to take one home or I would DIE...

Sense hit me (or was that Rylee) and, of course, we didn't get one. Guess I'll just have to be a dog owner vicariously through you!

Tara and Dan said...

I guess that's where the expression- "He follows me around like a little puppy"- comes from. Sometimes I say the same thing about Dan when we go to the mall...