Wednesday, December 31, 2008
{And So It Begins}
I have one resolution for this upcoming year and I hope that February proves to be lucky for us. I have to admit that I'm petrified and I wouldn't say no to any prayers in our behalf.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
{I'm Grateful}
That Scott fixed the disposal today.
It hasn't worked for 9 months and I was sad about it. Especially when it backed up into the bathroom sink.
It hasn't worked for 9 months and I was sad about it. Especially when it backed up into the bathroom sink.
Monday, December 29, 2008
{Buon Natale}
Last year Scott and I decided to start a cultural exploration tradition. Every Christmas we would celebrate the traditions of a different country. Naturally, we started with Italy. The national Italian Christmas dinner unfortunately turned out to be fried eel (what no gnocchi!?) Not being that dedicated, we went with the runner-up, pasta al forno.
Afterwards, we walked over to our favorite neighborhood Christmas light show. It was sooo much smarter to walk this time instead of drive (that street has it own personal traffic jam). If you haven't been there, just imagine Clark Griswold to the 10th degree and synchronized with music. We always wonder if this house is the 9th circle of hell for the neighbors. We love it though.
Later we watched Il Postino and desserted on traditional Panettone and some dolci. I'm pretty sure Il Postino isn't a Christmas traditizone, but it is Italia and that is bene.
What a lovely Buon Natale we had!

Afterwards, we walked over to our favorite neighborhood Christmas light show. It was sooo much smarter to walk this time instead of drive (that street has it own personal traffic jam). If you haven't been there, just imagine Clark Griswold to the 10th degree and synchronized with music. We always wonder if this house is the 9th circle of hell for the neighbors. We love it though.
Later we watched Il Postino and desserted on traditional Panettone and some dolci. I'm pretty sure Il Postino isn't a Christmas traditizone, but it is Italia and that is bene.
What a lovely Buon Natale we had!

Sunday, December 28, 2008
{Colby, You Are Funny}

Colby, you are one funny kid.
He also likes to hide birthday presents in random places and he once made a book about Scott. It was about (farts) and it was illustrated.
Thanks Colby for keeping life silly.
On a side note I was wondering if it was time to stop eating Christmas cookies for breakfast? Keep going until they run out?
Friday, December 26, 2008
{Jingle, Jingle, Jingle, I am Old Kris Kringle}

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

If, hypothetically, you have a brand new white winter coat never, ever wear it to buy makeup. Especially red lipstick makeup. And if, hypothetically, you manage to get red lipstick all over your brand new, beautiful, white coat because the makeup counter was filthy with makeup grime (even though you were super, super careful), don't try to clean it off yourself with Tide-to-Go and Zout. Whatever you do, don't ever apply water to aforementioned lipstick stain. You need to take your coat directly to the dry cleaners. They are your friend. If you do attempt to self clean, try not to cry and/or get your feelings hurt when they (dry cleaning man) tells you you've ruined your coat through your own impatient incompetence. Last but not least, try not to spend 4 hours trying to track down another copy of the beloved coat. Accept the fact that it is sold out in your size, in every color, in every store in the country. Try not to spend another 2 hours trying to find a similar coat at another store. It is okay if, Macy's, Bloomingdales, Dillards, Banana Republic, Gap, Anthropologie, Old Navy, Nordstroms, Saks, Anne Taylor and JC Penny's are all sold of all the swing coats in your size. It is only a coat after all. A little perspective is crucial.
I'm just saying.
Monday, December 22, 2008
{We Laughed...I Cried}

And WHY is the carpet all wet Todd? I don't KNOW Margot!
Why don't you kiss her instead of talking her to death?
The little lights...they aren't twinkling.
A toast! A toast! A toast to Mama Dollar and to Papa Dollar, and if you want to keep this old Building and Loan in business, you better have a family real quick.
Little full, lotta sap.
A toast to my big brother George: The richest man in town.
And if it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd like to get something for you Clark. Something real nice.
He's making violent love to me, mother!
It's people who make the difference. Little people like you.
What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary.
Honey, do you honestly think I would check thousands of little lights if I wasn't sure the extension was plugged in.
Merry Christmas Mr. Potter!
Well, I don't know what to say except, it's Christmas, and we're all in misery.
Now you listen to me. I don't want any plastics and I don't want any ground floors. And I don't want to get married *ever* to anyone! You understand that? I want to do what I want to do.
Russ, when was the last time I overdid anything.
Ha, ha, ha, ha! My mouth's bleeding, Bert! My mouth's bleeding! Zuzu's petals... Zuzu...
Sweetheart, your grandma Nora's got a real painful burr on my heel. If you rub it for me, I'll give you a whole quarter.
You see George, you've really had a wonderful life
What? What happened? Whoof! I guess it wouldn't be any... Whoa! It wouldn't be the christmas shopping season if the stores were any less hooter than - hotter than they are. Whoo! It is warm in here.
Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends.
Audrey's frozen from the waste down.
Hot Dog!
Well, see the plate runs right underneath the part here. See, over here, nothing. But, here if this gets dented, then my hair just ain't going to look right.
Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.
I did it.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
{It's Not That I Don't Like You...}
I'm fairly new to the Christmas cardlalapalooza festivities. Last year was my first sending them out and I found it strangely satisfying (I'm participating in a Christmas tradition. Yay me!)
I'm a little paranoid that I missed someone though and if I did maybe that person's feelings are hurt and wonder if I don't like them. I'm here to say I love you and want to send you a card. I really, really do, but if you haven't gotten one it is because I don't have your address.
So please, please email me your address at and I will put one in the mail pronto. They are super cute and you should really feel a very strong desire to possess one. If it is any incentive, Scott licked all of the envelopes.
I'm a little paranoid that I missed someone though and if I did maybe that person's feelings are hurt and wonder if I don't like them. I'm here to say I love you and want to send you a card. I really, really do, but if you haven't gotten one it is because I don't have your address.
So please, please email me your address at and I will put one in the mail pronto. They are super cute and you should really feel a very strong desire to possess one. If it is any incentive, Scott licked all of the envelopes.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
{My Feet Were the Only Thing Warm}
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
{Meet My Feetsies New Best Friend}

Why did I ever choose to live in a world that didn't include these boots? My energy levels are directly related to how cold my feet are and thanks to these, I'm seeing winter in a new, rosier light.
Traipsing through a snowy wonderland with Oliver?
Sure, no problem.
Photo shoots in Arctic conditions? Why not?
Shoveling the driveway? Definitely a possibility...maybe.
These boots are my own personal winter miracle.
Monday, December 15, 2008
{Saturday Awesome}
Scott and I had a blast doing this on Saturday. I giggled and laughed and froze my katoshie off. Kind of expensive, but so, so, so much fun. We went down 10 times, and man was it the best. Afterwards we headed over to Salt Lake Burger Company for some much needed sustenance. Dates nights are the best!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
{These Look Fun}
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
{Favorite Christmas Books}
I was reading Lizzie's post on some of her favorite Christmas stories and it made me think of some of my favorite ones as well. So, in no particular order here are some that Scott and I love to read every year. I like finding new ones, so I was wondering what some of your favorites are?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
{Oh Buddy}
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